Is your Leadership Team ready for the market upturn?
The volatility of the market makes it very hard to develop your people because training dollars are limited. Most companies have scaled back personnel and now the best of the best remain. This does not mean that all of the best of the best have satisfactory leadership skills. Many progressive companies have made the choice to take this opportunity to develop their leaders. Taking time now to develop your people will help ensure your successful return to sustainable profitability levels safely and efficiently. Developing your people before the upturn sends a very powerful message to your future leaders and your organization.
"Leadership is an influence process. It is about influencing people to achieve the goals of the organization." - Ken Blanchard, author of “The One Minute Manager”

Building your team’s leadership capabilities will positively affect the bottom line. REACH’s Leadership Development program focuses on cultural change and provides the tools that will drive performance. REACH’s program goes further than workshops, it focuses on coaching during daily activities. Coaching is designed to develop and grow the leadership’s skills that are measured against Key Success Factors. Real results can be found when supervisors and managers’ decision making skills are aligned with the corporate mission, vision, values and goals.

Learn more about REACH's Leadership Development Services